Image of person standing in front of green leafed bushed
CURRENT PROJECT: Examining the misconceptions of Cleopatra in modern media

Come see Jay about...

mentor relationships (finding, maintaining, etc)

finding research topics

changing majors across schools

Research Courses & Other Research Experience

Hist 413, Hist 459

Mellon Mays Fellowship

HRC (Humanities Research Center) Summer Fellowship

In-class and independent research

Advice from Jay
"Don't be afraid to explore what interests you! Doing research as an undergraduate is a rewarding experience in different aspects, including ways you may not expect (such as meeting people with similar interests or finding that you have a deep fascination for a certain topic or field)."

Research Areas

Misrepresented or underrepresented females in Ancient Civilizations, relationship between the presentation of gender roles in written works and the surrounding societal expectations in Classical literature