This zero credit course enables students to have supervised research experience on and off-campus recorded on their transcript. The research advisor will provide OURI with a grade of Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory at the end of the semester. The requirements for satisfactory performance need to be agreed upon between you and your research advisor at the beginning of the term. Note that your research advisor can be faculty on or off campus. OURI does not determine these requirements.
All students must have an advisor in place before registering for the course. Once you register for the course, you will have access to the UNIV 301 Canvas account. Please place the name, department, and email address of your research advisor as well as a description of your agreed-upon expectations in your canvas page by Wednesday, February 1st. Anyone who fails to register an advisor by this date will be required to drop the course since OURI needs to verify your participation and receive an S/U grade from this advisor. OURI will not support late drop petitions to EX&S for students who register for the course without first securing a research position.
**Note: Students cannot get credit for UNIV 301 for work that was completed or is in the process of completion for another course (e,g, UNIV 201, BIOC 310).