Headshot of student
CURRENT PROJECT: Designing, developing, and testing a new method by which to actuate wearable soft robotic devices using body heat.

Come see Aman if you...

are pre-grad

are interested in getting into research early

struggle with impostor syndrome

are interested in presenting at a research symposium


Advice from Aman
"Research is all about learning and exploring what you don't know! Never feel like you don't know enough to delve into something that interests you - there's always a way to build knowledge and learn how to think like a researcher. Finding a support system (with the principal investigator, graduate students, and other research mentors) is key to your growth as a researcher. Just trust that you are open to learning and let that motivate you! And be patient with yourself. :)"

Research Areas

Heat Transfer, Soft Robotics, Assistive Devices