Image of person standing in front of brick wall.
CURRENT PROJECT: Studying the structural properties Single Walled College Nanotubes through spectroscopic means

Come see Ainsley if you...

don't know how to start getting involved in research

have research interests outside your major

are thinking about changing labs

are pre-grad

Research Courses & Other Research Experiences

Chem 391, Chem 491, Phys 462, Phys 491, Phys 493

Paid Summer Research Programs (Boston University's Medical School STaRS program)

On-campus volunteer and for-credit research

Advice from Ainsley
"Finding a research environment that is a good fit for you is almost more important than the research itself! Being in a group where you are constantly learning new things, both in terms of research skills and background related to your project, will benefit you vastly in your future career!"

Research Areas

Micro/Nanotechnologies, Neural Imaging