Photo Eli
Class of '23

Come see Eli if you are...

unsure of where to start but want to get into research early.

are interested in your own, independent research.

Research Courses & Other Research Experience

PSYC 385, PSYC 340

Baker Institute

Hebl/King Lab

UTD Center for Brain Health internship

Advice from Eli
"When it comes to thinking about a project, think about any general questions that interest you! Even if they are not immediately applicable in a research setting, what you come up with may help you explore your interests or, even better, define your question further so it is applicable in a research setting once you get to do independent projects. If you don’t really have a preference, look at the research Rice labs have published and see if anything piques your interest. If a specific lab releases papers that interest you, consider reaching out to them and asking if they are taking any research assistants or volunteers."

Research Areas

Accessibility, Clinical Psychology, Martial Arts, Policy