Wireless Systems, Sensing, and AI

Wireless Systems, Sensing and AIWireless Systems, Sensing, and AI

Team Advisor/PI 

Ashutosh Sabharwal, Ph.D. 


Project Description/Research Team Goals

Develop the next-generation of wireless technologies for faster data access and sensing the environment at large-scales.

Issues Addressed 

Faster data and novel ways to leverage wireless networks. The aim is to make seemingly impossible ideas real.

Research Methods and Technology

Combination of theory, algorithm development and experimental systems.

Preferred Undergraduate Interests

Open to anyone interested

Academic Majors of Interest

Limited to: ECE, COMP

Prior Preparation/Requisite Experience



Work study-eligible students may receive compensation from OURI.

Course Credit

ELEC 491

Team Meeting

Regular meetings with mentors

Actively Onboarding New Members



Send an email to Prof. Ashu (ashu@rice.edu) directly with a short resume detailing coursework in machine learning, statistics, programming, signal processing and/or digital communications.

Additional information information on the project can be found here