User-Centered Optimization

User-Centered Optimization

User-Centered Optimization

Team Advisor/PI

Momona Yamagami, Ph.D.




Project Description/Research Team Goals

Our lab's research focuses on engineering personalized human-AI interfaces for health and accessibility applications. Our projects leverage biosignals measured from sensors in, on, or around the body to develop closed-loop human-machine systems that are personalized to each user’s physical characteristics, with a focus on people with movement disabilities and/or chronic conditions.

Issues Addressed 

Optimization, user-centered engineering, health, accessibility

Research Methods and Technology

Human subject experiments, data-driven modeling, quantitative and qualitative analysis.

Preferred Undergraduate Interests

Prior experience with programming languages (Python, C++, JavaScript), coursework in signal processing, strong written and verbal communication skills. 

Academic Majors of Interest

Though open to all, most interested in - Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Bioengineering, Data Science

Prior Preparation/Requisite Experience

Willingness to learn new skills (programming, writing), interact with human participants, and to work both independently and as a team.



Course Credit

ELEC 490

Team Meeting

Biweekly lab meetings. Biweekly 1-1 meetings with graduate student mentor. 

Actively Onboarding New Members



Please fill out the Prospective Undergrad form or email Dr. Yamagami (