Sustaining Excellence in Research (SER) Scholars Program

ser scholars

Sustaining Excellence in Research (SER) Scholars Program

The Sustaining Excellence in Research (SER) Scholars program is a paid undergraduate research internship open to students in the Humanities, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Business, and Engineering. SER offers funding to undergraduate students for a mentored research opportunity during the academic year.

Launched in 2014 with funding from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the SER Scholars program has been sustained through the continuous generosity of the Bishnoi endowment. We are immensely grateful to Sandra Bishnoi (1973-2018), SER's founding director, for her leadership and contributions. Learn more about her leadership, impact, and legacy. In Dr. Bishnoi's honor, SER Scholars in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) disciplines are named Bishnoi SER Scholars.

In 2023, the SER Scholars programs was expanded to include Social Sciences, Humanities, and Business. SER Scholars pursuing research opportunities in the schools of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Business are called Moody SER Scholars.

SER scholars receive funding for up to 100 hours of compensation to undertake a mentored research opportunity. SER Scholars are accepted into the program for an academic year (Fall/Spring semester). Funds cannot be collected for a summer opportunity.

While SER is NOT a program that match individuals with a research mentor, OURI resources are available to individuals when seeking a research post.

SER applications consists of:

  • Indication of desire to pursue research in Humanities/Social Sciences/Business (Moody) or Natural Sciences/Engineering (Bishnoi).
  • Biographical and academic information
  • Identification of research interests in Natural Science/Engineering or Humanities/Social Science/Business
  • Personal statements explaining an individual's interest in research and how participation in the SER Scholars program could help an individual pursue research at Rice

SER admissions is ONLY open to Rice undergraduate students who will be returning as full time students in the Fall.

Strong preference in admission decisions is given to individuals who have completed or are currently enrolled in UNIV 201 - Research Readiness.

Applications for 25-26AY SER Scholars Program are due Sunday, February 23rd.

Applications can be found here

Contact Danny Gibboney at with any questions.