Eshaan Patel, Will Grimme & Curry

Eshaan Patel, Will Grimme & Curry photo

Eshaan Patel and Will Grimme are both juniors at Will Rice college. Eshaan is majoring in Mathematical Economic Analysis with minors in Mathematics and Statistics, and Will is double-majoring in Mathematical Economic Analysis and Theatre. Last semester, as a final project for ECON 470: Market Design, Will and Eshaan conducted research on the study room reservation process for Fondren Library during the normal semester and finals periods. Their research combined quantitative data from Fondren’s Department of User Experience with qualitative data from a student survey to improve the efficiency and ease of use of the study room “market.” Based on this data, Will and Eshaan recommended several changes to reservation rules during finals period, including removing the one-reservation-a-day restriction in favor of allowing unlimited reservations totalling under four hours per day. They are excited for their research to be published in The Rice Examiner, and they hope that their findings will help Fondren Library continue to best serve the student body!


Friday, April 12, 2019


Eshaan Patel, Will Grimme & Curry