Parallel Hardware Applications in Science and Technology

Parallel Hardware Applications in Science and TechnologyParallel Hardware Applications in Science and Technology


Team Advisor/PI 

Joseph Cavallaro, Ph.D.  


Project Description/Research Team Goals

Recent advances in VLSI technology are enabling fast computing systems with tens and hundreds of processing units. These range from ASICs to field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) to graphics processing units (GPU) to multi-core processors, such as the Intel Xeon. These parallel systems can be used to accelerate applications in wireless communications, image processing, data science, and medical devices. Current projects focus on machine learning, wireless energy transfer, communications, and control for cardiac devices with the Texas Heart Institute.

Issues Addressed 

  • Machine Learning 
  • Parallel and embedded computing 
  • Medical devices

Research Methods and Technology

  • Various computer aided design and simulation tools for modeling of electrical and mechanical systems

Preferred Undergraduate Interests

  • Machine learning
  • Embedded computing hardware and software 
  • Medical devices

Academic Majors of Interest

Limited to: ECE; MECH; COMP

Prior Preparation/Requisite Experience

  • Matlab 
  • C/C++ 
  • Python


Work study-eligible students may receive compensation from OURI.

Course Credit

ELEC 491(undergraduate); ELEC 591 (graduate)

Team Meeting

Group meeting once a week; Additional meetings with graduate student mentors

Actively Onboarding New Members



For more information, please email Prof. Cavallaro ( and/or visit the team's VIP page.