Tori Thomas

WEBSITE(S)| Profile

SURF Mentoring

Potential projects/topics: There are a variety of potential projects that SURF students can participate in as part of their research experience. However, keep in mind that projects are contingent upon the needs of our school district partners. Two potential projects are in partnership with the Houston Independent School District (HISD), focusing on the district's sunrise centers that provide wrap-around services (e.g. medical care, mental health services, case management, food pantry, clothes/uniforms). Another project, also in partnership with HISD, will focus on general student enrollment as well as charter school enrollment. One more potential project is focusing on the New Education System (NES) reform in HISD. Another project is in partnership with the Pasadena Independent School District (PISD), focusing on high school students’ participation in math courses and subsequent student outcomes. A project in partnership with Spring Independent School District will focus on district-wide interventions with their pre-kindergarten program. Lastly, there is a potential region-wide project that will examine demographic changes of the school-aged population.

Potential skills gained: Depending on the project and the stage that it is in, (e.g. planning, analysis, presentation) SURF students will have the opportunity to learn a variety of skills. Students can learn how to do a succinct literature review, learn basic statistical programming and/or qualitative methods. Students will also learn what it is to do research in a very collaborative environment. Also students can have the opportunity to present their progress in working group meetings where the entire center brainstorms and gives feedback on ongoing projects.

Required qualifications: Having taken social science courses (e.g. sociology, psychology, policy) would be a plus, but is not required. Familiarity with basic statistics could be helpful, but again, not required. The student(s) will have multiple resources when it comes to learning what they need to do to complete their research experience.

Direct mentor: Post-doctorate, Other Research Associate

Research Areas

school racial segregation, race and education, sociology of education