Thomas Kutcher

WEBSITE(S)| Provenza Lab

1. Analyzing neural and behavioral data in OCD and/or bipolar disorder patients (24/7 recording of LFP and behavioral data via Oura Ring wearables and smartphones) to gain insights and assist clinicians. 2. Reviewing literature in digital phenotyping, OCD, bipolar disorder, DBS, etc. see our lab website:

SURF Mentoring

Potential projects/topics: 1. Analyzing neural and behavioral data in OCD and/or bipolar disorder patients (24/7 recording of LFP and behavioral data via Oura Ring wearables and smartphones) to gain insights and assist clinicians. 2. Reviewing literature in digital phenotyping, OCD, bipolar disorder, DBS, etc. see our lab website:

Potential skills gained: Programming in Python, literature review, neuroengineering, neurosurgery, psychiatry, deep brain stimulation.

Required qualifications or skills: Engineering/CS majors preferred

Direct mentor: Graduate Student

Research Areas

The Provenza laboratory uses an engineering approach to investigate ethologically relevant brain-behavior relationships underlying psychiatric symptoms to develop personalized neuromodulation strategies that will improve outcomes for psychiatric disorders. To study these complex internal states, we leverage multimodal monitoring to link symptoms to observable, quantifiable behaviors. We measure behavior alongside brain activity through intracranial electrophysiological monitoring in humans. Our research focuses on two patient populations: 1) ambulatory individuals implanted with recording-capable DBS devices, and 2) individuals in the inpatient setting undergoing intracranial monitoring.