Sinan Kockara

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Sinan Kockara completed his Computer Engineering degree at Dokuz Eylul University in Izmir, Turkey in 2001 and earned his Ph.D. in Applied Computing from the University of Arkansas in 2008. He was a tenured full professor in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Central Arkansas. He's taught various graduate and undergraduate computer science courses, including but not limited to CS I/CS II in C++, Theory of Computation, Parallel Programming, Machine Learning, Software Engineering, Computer Graphics, CUDA C programming. His research focuses on medical image processing, especially in dermatology, and VR based surgical simulation development for arthroscopic surgeries in orthopedics for surgeons’ training. He's secured $2.4+ million in funding from NIH, NSF, and industry, with his 40+ publications garnering 640+ citations.