Simon Fischer-Baum headshot


Student Project Titles List

Examining Semantic Errors for Phonetic Distortions

The Role of the Cerebellum in Language and Memory

The Role of the Sublexical Route in Word Reading

Phonetic Correlates of Sublexical Contributions to Reading Aloud Familiar Words

Story telling as a measure of cognition and language after stroke

Evidence of a Shared Graphemic Buffer in Reading and Spelling

Integrating Secondary Voicing Cues and Top-Down Information Within Syllable Perception

Dissociation in Reading and Spelling in a Patient with Aphasia

Case Study: Analyzing Language Comprehension in Patient MN

Case Study: BC

Challenges for using Representational Similarity Analysis to Infer Cognitive Processes: A Demonstration from Interactive Activation Models of Word Reading

Developmental Dysgraphias in Students of Braille

Research Areas

Our lab takes a problem-centered focus to research questions of the representations and processes that underlie cognition. We combine a wide range of experimental methods – computational modeling, behavioral studies and brain-imaging techniques (e.g., fMRI, ERP/EEGs, tDCS) – and study a variety of populations – unimpaired undergraduate, individuals with developmental differences like congenital deafness or blindness, those with cognitive impairments following brain damage – all with the goal of understanding human capacities for language and memory. Below are several ongoing projects in the lab.