Shengxi Huang

WEBSITE(S)| Scopelab

SURF Mentoring

Potential projects/topics:

Potential skills gained: quantum technology, nanotechnology, materials measurements, machine learning, optical measurements

Required qualifications or skills: Knowledge on fundamentals of physics, optics, materials

Direct mentor: Faculty/P.I., Post-doctorate, Graduate Student

Research Areas

Shengxi’s research interests involve light-matter interactions of quantum materials and nanostructures, and the development of new quantum optical platforms and biochemical sensing technologies. In particular, her research focuses on (1) understanding optical and electronic properties of new materials such as 2D materials and Weyl semimetals, (2) developing new biochemical sensing techniques with applications in medical diagnosis, and (3) exploring new quantum optical effects and quantum sensing. Shengxi is leading the SCOPE (Sensing, Characterization, and OPtoElectronics) Lab. For more information, please visit our website.