SURF Mentoring
Potential projects/topics: My lab focuses on the development of bioartficial hearts ex vivo with patient-derived stem cells. However, my project here is the automation of the manual recellularization process. As potential topics would be programming a controller and a system with Arduino IDE, soldering and assembling electronics 101, very basic mammalian cell culture to test our device.
Potential skills gained: Engineering skills: programming in C++ and Arduino IDE, electronic soldering, potential for CAD/3D modelling for 3D printing and laser cutting (at the moody center). Biology: mammalian cell culture, probable exposure to heart cannulations and decellularizations, Soft skills: probably, if data and research results are achieved, I would like my mentee to present at an undergraduate conference. I can help with abstract writing, poster development, travel award applications, undergrad conference apps,etc.
Required qualifications: I would like an engineering student: bioengineering, mechanical engineering or electrical engineering.
Direct mentor: Graduate Student