Julea Vlassakis

WEBSITE(S)| Microtechnologies Laboratory for Pediatric Oncology

Student Project Titles List

Nanofluidic Sieves on Microfluidic Channels for Separation of Biomolecules

Optimizing a Subtractive Microcontact Printing Process to Create Sub-Micron Protein Features

Research Areas

The Microtechnologies Laboratory for Pediatric Oncology is focused on the study of protein interactions, signaling and conformations responsible for fusion oncoprotein-driven pediatric cancers. Such pediatric cancers are marked by a paucity of genetic mutations, and instead fusion proteins and their interactions are responsible for cancer cell proliferation and metastasis. By understanding the key protein conformations and interactions of cancer progression, we aim to deliver the next generation of ‘molecularly surgical’ therapies. We design tools to study key macromolecular interactions and structures at the micro and nano length scales of cancer biology.