SURF Mentoring
Potential projects/topics: Our lab focuses on Ewing Sarcoma, a rare and aggressive pediatric cancer. This cancer is driven by one protein, which dysregulates DNA. We aim to conduct experiments to study DNA-protein interactions on a single molecule-level using custom tools. Undergraduate mentees will play a hands-on role with experiment design. Depending on mentee interest, potential research projects include optimizing micropatterning or force-measurement workflows, understanding how physical and biochemical parameters affect DNA mechanics, or contributing to data collection and processing pipelines for single-particle tracking.
Potential skills gained: Micro- and nanotechnology design, Molecular biophysics quantitative analysis, Molecular imaging and microscopy, Cancer biology hypothesis generation and testing, Laboratory research best practices, Reading and understanding biophysics literature
Required qualifications: None required
Direct mentor: Graduate Student
Student Project Titles List
Nanofluidic Sieves on Microfluidic Channels for Separation of Biomolecules
Optimizing a Subtractive Microcontact Printing Process to Create Sub-Micron Protein Features