SURF Mentoring
Potential projects/topics: U.S. Congress, Representation, and Women in Politics
Potential skills gained: Data Collection, Analysis, and Visualization
Required qualifications: none
Direct mentor: Faculty/P.I.
Student Project Titles List
The Impact of Press Coverage on Political Accountability
Research Areas
Jaclyn Kaslovsky is an Assistant Professor at Rice University who specializes in American politics. Her research focuses on Congress, representation, and women in politics. In her current work, Professor Kaslovsky analyzes how legislators choose to allocate their resources, including their time and staff, and the effect of these choices on the legislator-constituent relationship. In doing so, she seeks to provide an update to the traditional “home style” literature that explains congressional members’ attention to their home districts. Professor Kaslovsky's other projects leverage unique time series and congressional speech datasets to explore the consequences of increasing diversity in Congress for representation and how legislator behavior has evolved over time.