SURF Mentoring
Potential projects/topics: The Red Book of Houston enables us to visualize the space occupied by the African American community in the early twentieth century in Houston. Students may conduct research on individuals in the Red Book and write extended biographies that will then be added to an online exhibit in Quartex.
Potential skills gained: Students will build on their research and writing skills if they choose to work on individual biographies. Students who choose to engage in digital work will enhance their data clean-up skills, as well as gain more familiarity with ArcGIS.
Required qualifications: Humanities major with strong writing skills OR a student with ARC-GIS experience
Direct mentor: Faculty/P.I. (Fay Yarbrough), and Other Research Associate (Norie Guthrie - Fondren Library)
Student Project Titles List
The Hogrobrooks Family of the Red Book as Civil Rights Activists and Community Leaders: An Extended Biography