dan wagner photo

WEBSITE(S)| https://biosciences.rice.edu/people/daniel-wagner

Mentored presenters may have participated in these courses

BIOC 310

Student Project Titles List

Exploring the Use of Biomphalaria glabrata as a Model for Snail Development

Developing Genetic Tools to Establish Biomphalaria glabrata as a Model Organism

Staging the Embryonic Development of Biomphalaria glabrata

Research Areas

Analysis of development of the zebrafish embryo to understand the genetic basis of cell differentiation and cell behavior. Our work examines the genetic regulation of diverse developmental events including epidermal differentiation, angiogenesis and post transcriptional regulation in the teleost yolk cell. This work is directed at understanding essential processes that are misregulated in human disease as well as the evolutionary plasticity that drive diversity.