Li Lab
Team Advisor/PI
Project Description/Research Team Goals
The Li Lab overarching research goal is to develop new biomedical imaging technology that combines light, sound, and artificial intelligence to visualize deep brain functions, diagnose early-stage cancer and navigate microrobots for internal surgery. Their research focuses on developing new photoacoustic (PA) and ultrasonic (US) technology and combining them with artificial intelligence to enable diverse biomedical applications, including novel whole-brain imagers visualizing brain functions and diagnosing brain disease, PA/US navigated robotic systems guiding and controlling microrobots inside the body for surgery or drug delivery, as well as wearable devices continuously monitoring early-stage cancer patients and detecting circulating tumor cells.
Issues Addressed
- Understanding of brain functions
- Early diagnosis of cancer
- Image guided precise surgical intervention
- Personalize health monitoring.
Research Methods and Technology
- Biophotonics
- Medical Imaging
- Neuroimaging
- Artificial Intelligence
- Computational Imaging
- Image Reconstruction
- Biomedical Instrumentation
- Medical Devices
- Optical Sensing.
Preferred Undergraduate Interests
STEM in general
Academic Majors of Interest
Limited to: ECE, MechE, BioE, Applied Physics, CS, Physics, MSNE
Prior Preparation/Requisite Experience
Course Credit
ELEC 490
Team Meeting
Once a week, every Monday or Thursday 9-10:30 AM
Actively Onboarding New Members
Yes; receiving applications via VIP team application
For more information, check out: Li Lab's google scholar page or Prof. Li's TED page. If you have any additional questions, please email Prof. Lei Li (