Genome Sleuths

Genome SleuthsGenome Sleuths


Team Advisor/PI

Todd Treangen, Ph.D.



Project Description/Research Team Goals

The Genome Sleuths VIP team focuses on building efficient and easy-to-use computational tools for assembling and characterizing microbial genomes and metagenomes.

Issues Addressed 

The research primarily addresses challenges related to rapid and accurate detection and characterization of known and previously unseen microbial pathogens, both in clinical datasets (e.g. gut microbiome) and environmental samples (e.g. wastewater). From time to time, we also sequence and assemble animal genomes (

Research Methods and Technology

Algorithms, Probabilistic Data Structures, Machine learning, Software Engineering

Preferred Undergraduate Interests

Open to anyone interested

Academic Majors of Interest

Open to all, but preference given to Computer Science majors

Prior Preparation/Requisite Experience

Prior programming experience is required; COMP 140 and COMP 182 provide a solid foundation. Some projects will be better suited for students who have taken (one or more of the following): COMP 215, COMP 341, COMP 382.


Work study-eligible students may receive compensation from OURI.

Course Credit

COMP 390, COMP 490

Team Meeting

Each project will have a weekly team meeting, to be scheduled at the beginning of each semester (based on the availability of all members).

Actively Onboarding New Members



For more information, please see the team's website or email Prof. Treangen (