Characterization of Mitochondrial Surveillance

Characterization of mitochondrial surveillance

Characterization of Mitochondrial Surveillance


Team Advisor/PI 

Natasha Kirienko, PhD


Project Description/Research Team Goals

Mitochondria tend to be oversimplified to being the powerhouse of the cell. However, they are required for number of critical biochemical processes and have been linked to cancer progression, metabolic, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, and aging. To maintain homeostasis, mitochondria have specialized surveillance pathways. One key example is the Ethanol Stress Response Element (ESRE) pathway

Issues Addressed 

  • Mitochondrial dysfunction
  • Response to ROS
  • Interactions between mitochondrial surveillance pathways

Research Methods and Technology

  • Genetic screening
  • Microscopy
  • Cell biology and biochemical assays

Preferred Undergraduate Interests

Open to anyone interested

Academic Majors of Interest

Open to all majors in the Life Sciences

Prior Preparation/Requisite Experience

  • Interest in STEM research


Work study-eligible students may receive compensation from OURI.

Course Credit

BIOS 310 section 42

Team Meeting

Biweekly meetings, TBD

Actively Onboarding New Members

Not in Fall 2024


For more information, please see the team's site or email Prof. Natasha Kirienko (