AI for Health

AI for HealthAI for Health

Team Advisor/PI 

Ashu Sabharwal, Ph.D. 


Project Description/Research Team Goals

Work on the AI/ML projects to improve care in many health conditions - current focus on mental health, diabetes and Parkinson's.

Issues Addressed 

  • Multi-modal data analysis and prediction.

Research Methods and Technology

  • Machine learning
  • Statistical analysis
  • Signal processing
  • Computer vision
  • Image analysis.

Preferred Undergraduate Interests

Open to anyone interested

Academic Majors of Interest

Limited to: ECE, COMP, STAT

Prior Preparation/Requisite Experience



Work study-eligible students may receive compensation from OURI.

Course Credit

ELEC 491

Team Meeting

Once a week mentor meeting. Additional meetings on-demand.

Actively Onboarding New Members



For more information, write to Prof. Ashu ( directly with a short resume with: (a) coursework in machine learning, signal processing and (b) any course projects in machine learning.

Additional information information on the digital health initiative can be found here.