Adult Skills and Knowledge Lab
Team Advisor/PI
Project Description/ Research Team Goals
The Adult Skills and Knowledge Lab currently has two research projects underway:
1) Adult self-directed learning. This learning can take place inside of, or outside of organizational training. We are specifically examining adult motivation for learning and development, learning strategies employed while engaged in self-directed learning, how adults assess the skills and abilities they want to develop. Students will engage in literature reviews, data collection, and piloting and reviewing study materials.
2) STEM learning and belongingness in post-secondary environments. We have two externally funded projects that examine the conditions that facilitate learning and feelings of belongingness for URM and low-income STEM students at Rice. We are looking at both institutional (e.g., faculty status and teaching practices) and student (e.g., self-efficacy, STEM identity) factors. Students will engage in literature reviews, data collection, and piloting and reviewing study materials.
Issues Addressed
Research in the Adult Skills and Knowledge Lab is generally in two areas,
- Adult intellectual development: We are interested in understanding motivational and situational components and traits such as cognitive ability and personality that are related to intellectual development throughout the lifespan. We are currently investigating the relationship between age and performance in achievement settings. This work includes examining the types of training interventions that might be most appropriate for older learners and the development of knowledge structures over the course of formal instruction.
- Predicting success in organizations and educational settings: A related research stream focuses on predictors of performance in achievement settings and achievement related choices (such as choice of college major). Within this stream of research, we examine the validity and reliability of assessments of individual differences and situational judgment.
Research Methods and Technology
Some experimental studies are conducted, but many of our projects involve observational data analysis and correlational analysis. Software used include the Microsoft office suite, Zotero, and Jamovi for statistical analysis. Interested students may also learn statistical analysis in R.
Preferred Undergraduate Interests
- Psychology
- Statistics
- Data science
Academic Majors of Interest
Open to all majors, most interested in social science (PSYC particularly) majors.
Prior Preparation/Requisite Experience
PSYC 101 is required (current enrollment or completion).
Work study-eligible students may receive compensation from OURI.
Course Credit
PSYC 485
Team Meeting
Bi-weekly meetings are scheduled each semester depending on student and faculty schedules.
Actively Onboarding New Members
For more information, please see the team's website or email Prof. Margaret Beier (